

From the Highwood Pass to the Bar U Ranch

Welcome to an exquisite journey through the heart of Southern Alberta, captured through the vibrant acrylic landscapes of Sally MacGregor. This art show invites you to explore the breathtaking vistas that stretch from the Highwood Pass, meandering down the Highwood Trail, and reaching the Historic Bar U Ranch. Sally MacGregor’s paintings offer a vivid portrayal of the regions dynamic beauty across the four seasons.

In her work, the rolling foothills and majestic mountains transform into a rich tapestry of color and light. Winter’s crisp white expanses, spring’s verdant rebirth, summer’s lush green fields, and autumn’s fiery hues are rendered with an evocative and passionate brushstroke.

As you wander through this collection, let the essence of Southern Alberta’s rugged splendour and serene tranquility envelop you, celebrating the stunning diversity of nature’s palette in Sally MacGregor’s vivid interpretations.

Beets Turnips and Rutabagas, Fall
Harvest Show and Sale

With Fall harvest approaching another year is coming to completion. The fruits of my labours are reflected in a new and exciting Autumn show. It will reflect another year of the growth and bounty of my painting practice. I have continued to explore the beautiful and vast Alberta Landscapes south and west of Calgary using bright Golden acrylic paints on canvas.

I have also created new multimedia collages which explore the beautiful 18th century images of women. I incorporate handmade papers to embellish these three dimensional collages with paint and printmaking techniques to tell a story of an elegant historical era.

I encourage Art enthusiasts to attend my new studio show, bring a friend and view my new Fall Studio Show entitled “Turnips, Beets and Rutabagas, The Fall Harvest Show and Sale”. We look forward to seeing you and enjoying your company. Show dates are September 22,7-9:00 pm, 23rd &24th from 10:00-4:00pm.The studio address is 5711 Lakeview Dr SW Calgary.

Back in the Saddle Again

For over two years we have all endured the Covid pandemic. Sally has continued to paint during this lockdown and consequently has a new body of work based on her images of Southern Alberta. The poster image photographed while on horseback in the Millarville area reflects a sunset looking down the valley to Longview and beyond. This Fall Show and Sale expresses her love of the beautiful Alberta landscapes from the foothills to the Rockies. We hope you will join us to celebrate her continued painting practice with a Show and Sale entitled “Back in the Saddle Again” on Friday September 24th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm and Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. Please invite family and friends.

Ten Year Retrospective and New Work

It is hard to believe that ten years has passed since I retired from my teaching career and focused my attention on my painting practice. During this time I have produced seven studio shows with over 30 paintings and collages in each one. I also was privileged to become a Grandmother during this time with three beautiful grandchildren. Life could not be more full.

It is time to celebrate this body of work. A retrospective celebration of ten years of painting and seven solo studio shows will be accessible online from Oct16th – 30th.

We invite you this year to attend a ten year retrospective of my work along with recent paintings in my studio. Please bring a friend and book an appointment before hand. Due to the new wave of the Delta variant we ask that you wear a mask and protect all of us by being fully vaccinated. We greatly appreciate your patronage and for keeping this a safe show and sale. Please book your appointment at sallymacgregor@shaw.ca or call 403-217-1054. The studio will be open from 10:00am – 5:00pm for viewing by appointment.

We look forward to seeing friends, family and new art lovers to this retrospective.

Sally MacGregor

Red Dirt Road

I grew up in Calgary and have consistently been drawn to the landscapes of Southern Alberta and the Rockies. I love to explore new roads and trails to experience the beauty of this province. The welcome changes of our seasons inspire me to paint. Winter transitioning into Spring with the golden glow of an early morning sunrise falling on a cops of trees was an amazing sight . A frozen creek bed with trees held captive was a beautiful surprise to find in Millarville. The gold and red colors of a Fall afternoon near the Highwood River with the backdrop of an early blanket of snow on the mountains gives me a sense of peace. Spending time in our rural landscapes helps to keep me grounded. I enjoy each element of nature and its rapid transitions whether it is watching billowing clouds moving over the mountains or finding a simple red dirt road winding down into hay fields near our foothills. Such glorious moments to remember and capture with paint. My goal is to create work that elevates the beauty of our glorious and majestic Alberta landscapes. I have gladly returned to painting Alberta landscapes for this new studio show.

From Rome to Lecce

My Travels in Southern Italy

My recent paintings express the immense visual experience that I encountered while traveling through southern Italy. Every painting in this show will enlighten the viewer with a glimpse of the beauty of the southern towns and coastal villages, imbued with Italy’s rich culture, art, architecture and people.

The painting of Rome was inspired by the view looking down the Tiber river to the angel bridge, Pont Sant ‘Angelo . The view of the Vatican with the hillside expanding behind was a breathtaking view that captured the grandeur of this city of angels.

Our day in Tivoli was highlighted with the tour of the Villa’Este. The painting from the balcony of this villa captured the magnificent view of the hillside of Tivoli. My series of cupid paintings were inspired from the many interior frescoes in the villa. Cupids were portrayed as the purveyors of love and desire.

Naples was a fascinating city with hundreds of churches and museums. The painting of Naples was inspired from a walk up to the top of the San Martino hill where the church domes were prominent.

Capri was a magical island with beautiful bays and colorful buildings clinging to the steep shorelines. The poster painting “Capri Evening Lights” was a scene that imprinted on my mind as we left the island.

The painting of Atrani captures the beautiful afternoon light soaking this town along the Amalfi coast.

Matera was our next destination where we experienced the Passaggiata Serale, the evening stroll. It is an endearing reminder of the daily connections that Italians enjoy. Meeting and sharing stories on the evening stroll in the central piazza is fundamental to their culture.

Lecce on the heel of the boot was a walled town steeped in religious history. It was here that I spotted a little girl in a colorful jumpsuit playing in the sun. She was completely unaware of the bustling busy piazza all around her. Galipoli completed our tour of Italy. This beautiful fortressed town fronted by a harbor filled with sailboats is a beautiful playground for wealthy Italians.

I fell in love with this rich colorful country and feel that I have only touched the surface.

This colorful show of acrylic paintings is my personal impression of an ancient country steeped in religion, art, culture and deep family roots.

The Whaleback and Beyond

The landscape south and west of Calgary has inspired and informed my painting practice from the beginning and it continues to do so. I regularly ride horse back in the Priddis area, immersing myself in that landscape, embracing its striking beauty.

Early this past spring, a dear friend, Tony, called to let us know that he had just rented a ranch house just outside Pincher Creek. “Would we like to come and spend a weekend?” Hell, yes!

I have wanted to see the landscape south of Longview for some time to expand and enhance my artistic vision. So, in early April we set off on a Friday morning and hit the Cowboy Trail. There was still snow on the ground but the weather had been beautiful, a hint of spring in the air. We stopped several times on the journey so I could take pictures that would later provide the imagery to fulfill my next round of painting.

Tony suggested that we rise very early so we could be out on the land as the sun crept up in the eastern sky. “It’s all in the light you see” and it falls on the foothills and mountains for a very brief time.

He was right. The pallet of colors was stunning as the sun light washed over the foothills and mountains. The painting Morning Gold, which is on the show invitation, captures these fleeting moments. It was a sublime experience and reaffirmed my adoration of this land.


Over the past year I focused on the theme of Water to guide and inform the imagery in my paintings.

The technical challenge in interpreting the many forms water takes in the natural world is daunting. From the impenetrable black lochs in the highlands of Scotland, the ocean off Bondi beach in Sydney Australia, the Mediterranean sea off the south coast of France, Monet’s water lily pond at Giverny, to the foaming Kicking Horse river at the Natural Bridge Falls in Yoho and the impossible green of Emerald Lake, all are unique in their own way.

I painted the Highwood River in the Fall with its icy cold rapids juxtaposed against the rugged steep banks cloaked with bright red and gold foliage.

The creeks that forge the confluence of the Kicking Horse River were captured in my paintings with the surging water cascading down rocky creek beds. I rendered the explosive power of water as it was forced through narrow passages. Added glimpses of light breaking through the forest canopy and falling on the fast moving creeks created a dramatic scene.

The soft foaming waves flowing through the lava beds playing and dancing to the shoreline of Maui intrigued me and created an inviting scene. The soft wisps of water lifting up from the transparent waves off the Bondi Beach were mesmerizing.

Lake O’Hara forms a majestic amphitheatre for mountains cloaked in glaciers. The elusive green water with its transparency and reflections were reveled on the day I was there last summer.

The calm morning walk down the beach in Provincetown MA made for captivating seascapes. I tried to capture the textured shoreline as the ocean water retreated, leaving lone sailboats to keel sideways, waiting for the tides return.

The Fall view of Weaselhead Flats captured the tall golden grasses rising over the escarpment overlooking the delta composed of channels, bars and marshland.

The painting I chose for the show invitations captures a stream in the foothills near Millarville with the golden foliage of the fall canopy and the slow moving water.

Each painting in this show is a reflection of my vision of the powerful element of water.

Clouds and Rolling Hills

The Foothills of Alberta – The Hills of Fife Scotland

We have had the opportunity to travel to Scotland on two separate occasions to retrace our family history and simply enjoy the many striking vistas the highlands have to offer. On one of these occasions we literally stumbled upon the remote homeland of the outlawed MacGregor clan in the highland village of Balquhidder. It was a mystical experience. In the 8th or 9th century the early Celts called it a “thin place”, where the boundary between heaven and earth was close. The 18th century Scottish patriot, folk hero and outlaw, Rob Roy MacGregor lived much of his life and died there In December of 1734. He is buried in the grave yard of the village “kirk” along with his wife and two sons.

We stayed in the city of Sterling much of the time and did many day trips. On one of these we drove east to Edinburgh. We were amazed by the tremendous similarity of the landscape of Fife and of the Millarville area south west of Calgary where I have spent much time riding and being deeply inspired by the land.

“Clouds & Rolling Hills” is my third studio show. It is a visual journey that depicts this striking similarity of the foothills of Southern Alberta and the rolling hills of Fife Scotland.